Divine Mercy Academy
A Joyful, Classical Education in the Catholic Tradition
Divine Mercy Academy is an independent classical school in the Catholic tradition serving the children of Southwest Montana from preschool through ninth grade.
“Divine Mercy Academy holistically forms young men and women in an environment to cultivate beauty, seek truth, and do good. Rooted in Christ, Jesus, and centered on the Eucharist, our classical Catholic education nurtures virtue, intellect, and spirit, empowering students to fulfill their vocation as faithful disciples and leaders in service to God and society.”
Divine Mercy Academy is an independent, Catholic, Classical Academy that prioritizes each student’s personal encounter with Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church and the sacraments.
Jesus Christ is the foundation, goal, and uniting thread of all that we do and teach at Divine Mercy Academy.
The campus of Divine Mercy Academy is a place of joy as our House Model provides an environment where our older students mentor and encourage younger students in their social and spiritual growth.
Divine Mercy Academy is a classical, liberal arts education that equips students to freely pursue truth, beauty, and goodness. The classical model educates the whole person and is rooted in the transcendent God. It is about raising students who have eyes to see and ears to hear the presence of the Creator in the truth, goodness, and beauty in the world around them. It is an education for joyful hope.
Family Oriented
“As the family goes, so goes society” – Pope St. John Paul II. John Paul II affirms the beauty of family life as does Divine Mercy Academy. At DMA, we promote the role of parents as the primary educators of their children. Our school experience honors family life in the relationship building House Model. It is in the family where students’ dignity is promoted and affirmed. DMA seeks to contribute to the renewal of the family, especially through our adherence to Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.