Elementary & Middle School
An Introduction to the Trivium
Divine Mercy Academy embraces an authentically Catholic classical educational model that views the student as a whole person made in God’s image and likeness. The primary purpose of education is teaching children how to recognize the truth, beauty, and goodness all around us. We do this by working with students at their own unique development stage and following the Trivium, that is, the three developmental stages of children: The Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric stage.
Grammar Stage (ages 4-11)
Young students begin in the grammar stage where story and narration are powerful teachers which is why most of our curriculum is presented in an integrated fashion that interweaves subjects including history, literature, math, science, grammar, and fine arts. In this stage, students journey through a historical era each year (progressing through Ancient, Roman, Medieval and Modern eras). In the grammar stage we fill students to the brim with goodness and truth so to lay a firm foundation for further development.
Logic Stage (ages 11-14)
Recognizing that students at this developmental stage have a God-given inclination to question everything, which we embrace and encourage them to work through tough questions through critical thinking and dialogue. Students are encouraged to discuss topics in a Socratic format, guided by skilled instructors, so to logically come to truth.
Rhetoric Stage (ages 14-18)
At this stage a student who has been well formed will be able to think critically, formulate logic-based thoughts, and effectively and respectfully communicate their ideas. Students in this stage become firm footed in who they are and who God created them to be.
St. Patrick’s Curriculum
Divine Mercy Academy utilizes St. Patrick’s Curriculum for grades K-8. This Catholic, classical curriculum offers chronological, Salvation History-based instruction and integrates history, literature, and religion and immerses students in geography, stories, poetry, great speeches, masterpieces of music, art, and architecture, and more.